It’s so easy to become blind to the beauty of where you live.  After all, if you’re like me, you’ve lived in the same place most of your life.  I drive by the Spokane Falls every day but I don’t see them.  I drive along the Spokane River every day, but I don’t see it.  I drive beneath eagles and osprey, but I don’t see them. 

And I should.

Today I did my first trail run and I did see.  As we ascended from the lush grass of a golf course into the pine canopied hills, I found myself focusing less on the effort of the run and more on the beauty that surrounded me.  As we neared the top, we stopped and gazed out over the magnificence of the place I call home.  It took my breath away and reminded me how incredible this part of the world is.  It reminded me that every now and again I need stop and appreciate what Mother Nature gave us.  It reminded me why I’ve never moved away.